Estate Management
Properly overseeing the development and maintenance of high-end luxury homes and properties. Including, but not limited to:
- Staffing - Assistants, Captains, Chefs, Drivers, Grounds Person, Housekeepers, House Managers, Nannies, and Pilots.
- Interior Maintenance - High-end luxury designer interior maintenance to include art, furniture, and fixtures, as well as everyday maintenance to keep the interior of the home(s) running at the highest level and in pristine condition.
- Exterior Maintenance - Sourcing and managing the maintenance of the arborists, landscaping, HVAC, pool, and spas, as well as the everyday maintenance to keep the exterior of the property and home running at the highest level and in pristine condition.
- Aviation, Automobiles, and Yachting - Maintaining all additional properties owned/leased by the client, to be kept up to date on licenses, permits, and registrations and to coordinate with the captains, drivers, and pilots on daily maintenance necessities.
- Accounting and Finance - Maintaining the household budget, providing supporting documentation to the business office, creating petty cash systems, credit card allocation, approvals and payments for vendors estimates and invoices.
- Human Resources - Hiring, Onboarding, Training and Firing of staff, as needed. Coordinating with the current business office to maintain accuracy and efficiency. Setting up and maintaining payroll systems, timesheets, and insurance policies, if a business office is not in place to do so.
Special Projects
Working with an Art Curator to assist in the acquisition and sales of primary and secondary market fine art. Primary market artists include New York contemporary New York artists such as George Negroponte, Morgan O'Hara, and Gordon Moore. Secondary market artists include Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and more. Available to assist in all facets of collection management, from advising and acquiring to cataloging and archiving. Art crating, shipping and installation of the art upon arrival to the property, as well as moving art to a new property is also available.
An overall household assessment to evaluate the current staffing structure. Provide a restructuring plan and/or training plan to implement the highest level of service.
Create household manuals, policy and procedure manuals, and set a structure into place for a team atmosphere. Manuals are the key to proactive and successful maintenance programs.
Working with a Mixologist to create and stock a personalized bar on property. Inventory and continued maintenance to keep the back bar current. Menu creations for cocktails also created on a personalized level.
An organized home gives peace of mind. We can organize all aspects of the property, inside and out. Creating a space that aesthetically looks clean and sleek, while functional at the same time. Kitchen pantries, closets, a nursery and garages where everything has a home. “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
Seasonal homes
Open and close seasonal properties before and after use. Staffing, maintenance, training, inventory and stocking needs. Automobile, aviation, and yachting included.
Wine cellars
Working with a Sommelier to create and stock a personalized wine cellar on the property. Inventory of the cellar and continued upkeep on what is currently in stock at any given time via an app.
Staff Training
A properly trained staff can make all the difference in how smoothly a household runs. Sometimes training occurs from day one and sometimes a refresher is needed. Staff grows as the home grows, so advanced training should be a consideration, to set your staff up for success.
The utmost discretion should be instilled in all levels of staffing. Those who see so much of what goes into one's personal life need to be discrete, trustworthy and have an impeccably detail-oriented skillset. While there are multiple levels of what each individual’s responsibilities might be, finding the right level of service needed in the household will be the key to a successfully run home.
We are proud to partner with British American Household Staffing to fufill your domestic staffing needs. See more information on household staffing positions here.
Please contact us directly for more information on Aviation charters and purchases.
Please contact us directly for more information on Yachting charters and purchases.
Kristen Reyes started her career as an accountant and chief operations officer. She then moved into high-level estate and property management, which she has been doing for the past fifteen years. Kristen's background in accountancy and operations and her experience in the hospitality industry has enabled her to be an expert in all levels of estate and property management, domestic staffing placements and assist with yachts and aviation, charter or purchase.
Kristen currently resides between both the East and West Coasts of the USA although her primary residence is in California and her secondary residence is in New York. Kristen often travels to the estates and properties to structure the residences in-person, whether for short-term consulting or for more permanent estate management.
Kristen was featured in the Mompreneur issue of Parenting OC in October 2022. You can read her feature here or scroll through the magazine's digital issue and find it on page 20.
Kristen was also featured in the Dec 23/Jan 24 issue of Robb Report. You can find it here.